The Month That Was March on Sanspants+

Posted: April 17, 2024 by Joel Zammit

Daddy’s tired, but it never ends. So here’s a round up of all the ‘sodes that were released in March for all you beautiful members and you gorgeous soon to be members xx o.

Bad Brain Boys+

The boys get investigative in this month’s Plumbing+ by attempting to delve into What Did Zammit Mean When He Wrote ‘Impossible Voyage’ as a Possible Question? Years ago I remember writing a very funny question in the back of a taxi in Singapore in the living document that is our possible questions.That question was the words ‘Impossible Voyage’ which astute readers will notice isn’t a question nor is it even a sentence. Nevertheless it remained and this episode we delve into what could I have possibly meant. What we uncover is truly earth shattering. 

On What If…? our journey into the great comic books of yesteryear continues with #31 What If Wolverine Had Killed the Hulk? Where we look at what we’d do with a dead Hulk body and how that might change us. We also learn a lot about things we wish we didn’t..

Jackson Baly Spooks America was still on break but as of today it has returned with a beautiful episode about a giant penguin in The Giant Penguin of Clearwater Beach that was 100% the biggest damn bird you ever saw and not a hoax.

This month’s Eye Cramps the hosts have each picked a genre and decided to spin the wheel to figure out what movie to watch from it in The Genre Wheel. There’s some good, some bad and some surprises in this episode!

And finally, with Baseless Speculation returning home to Sanspants Radio, we are working on adding a Baseless Speculation+ subscription, that for now will just be ad-free versions of the eps. Stay tuned for that and remember to watch us on YouTube and to like, comment and subscribe .

Imagination Adventures+

Season 3 of Once Upon a Time in Vampire Infested Barovia is in full swing with the first 9 episodes available to subscribers and you can still grab the Sharp Shot Companion: A Ranger Subclass for D&D 5e pdf based on Pip’s Sharp Shot Companion subclass.

On Greyhill, the general public are still waiting week to week, but you get to listen to myself and our good friends Josh Perault and Morgan Conroy from Taking Initiative deal with mostly small town economics in A Desperate Message.

This month on House Rules Jackson and Adam dive headfirst into their podcast Beyond the Map and the highs and lows of Collaborative Worldbuilding. Listen to the ep and learn about all the mistakes they’ve made and the amount of times they’ve stepped on each other’s toes! It’s heaps!

On the subscriber feed for Beyond the Map, Jackson continues his little stories about the Longhouse. March sees the thrilling conclusion to Longhouse: 1859 starring the Scaredy Boys.

Sanspants Classics+

No new SUaS Classic this month as Zoe is taking such much needed personal time, but do enjoy ad free regular SUaS and all the past shows we put in da bin.

Thanks for listening and join us next month for more of the same xx o

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