Zammit’s Nose, GST and Other News

Posted: February 13, 2024 by Joel Zammit

You should all be pleased to hear that I’m on the mend, still not 100% but here’s a gross video of me getting my splints out. It is gross.

In other news, Australian subscribers and customers will now be charged an additional 10% for GST because my accountant yelled at me and now this has to happen so I can avoid debtors’ prison. 

For all you subscribers out there that aren’t signed up through our website or Apple+ or are still on the old system, an email has been sent out to once again implore you to move on over to the new bundles.To those missing Baseless Speculation, you’ll be pleased to know that we’ll be coming back this month and are once again part of the Sanspants Radio network. With so many batshit decisions WB has made, incredible new trailers and a certain Madam Web film coming out tomorrow how could we not! You may need to refresh your feeds, or not. RSS feeds are a mystery. 

If you love our TTRPG content, great news! All 20 episodes of Dinosaur Wet are now available in the Dinosaur Saga feed for Bad Brain Boys+,  Barovia Season III has started over on D&D is for Nerds with the first 6 episodes dropping for Imagination Adventure+ subscribers. Speaking of Imagination Adventure+ a 13 part Further Adventures of the Greyhill Free Company with our good friends Josh and Morgan from the Talking Initiative podcast drops in the next couple of days and Jackson has been DMing the Scaredy Boys on Beyond the Map for a Longhouse game set in 1859.We have also enabled comments to these posts now if you’re logged in. To prevent porn bots. Look at us go.


  1. Nicole Holmes says:

    Why did I watch this?

  2. Jay-Dylan Nicholas says:


  3. Trent Ogden says:

    Didn’t Adam use brain slugs in some game or other? Was that two of them?

  4. Reeah says:

    Oh no he pulled out your brain!!

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