News and Updates

Posted: October 25, 2023 by

In a move that really shouldn’t have taken 10 years, we now have a little corner of our website dedicated to news and updates of everything going on in the world of Sanspants Radio.

Firstly, welcome! Thank you all for being a part of this beautiful ride while we bumblefuck our way into your hearts and ears.

For subscribers, you may have noticed a slight update to your account UI. You can now manage your email, password and mailing address all from the same Manage account tab and we’ve put in an additional RSS feeds tab to make it even easier to acquire the right url to listen to all that beautiful bonus and ad free bullshit.

Speaking of bonus content the reign of Champs, Heroes and Kings has come to an end. While we initially intended to support both the new bundles and the old tiers until the end of the year, wow did our website not like that. So if you still have an old legacy account, please consider moving over to the nice and shiny new bundles! It should be a pretty straightforward process, you don’t need to cancel the old subscription, our system should do it all for you but of course, if you’re encountering any issue please email us. This goes for you too, Patreon users. We’ve been moving away from Patreon ever since we first launched Sanspants+ and in the last few weeks that site has really taken a nosedive! They’ve recently gone through a redesign and I think we can all appreciate their new cum blob like logo. 5 stars plus.


In non-admin news, Plumbing the Death Star has once again thrown our hat into the video ring. We’ve only got the one camera, the studios were not at all designed for filming and we once again don’t know what we’re doing but we’re giving it a red hot go! Currently the release schedule is a snippet from the upcoming ep on Sunday, audio on the Monday, the full episode in video form largely unedited on a Tuesday and then Wednesday and Friday will have another snippet posted from the episode that was. We’re splitting the audience on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube so don’t forget to watch us on all of the platforms multiple times and share it with your friends, family and a dog you hate so we can eventually do well enough to afford additional cameras.

And lastly, for this spooky season, Jackson continues the tradition of more Tales from Handel Creek. This time, we catch up with Hall Butcher as he gets a summer job at the brand new Starbright Mall. Episode 1 drops on the Imagination Adventures RSS feed on October 31st for those signed up to Imagination Adventures+ on this website or over on Apple Podcasts. Have a listen to the trailer below for a taste of what’s to come.

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